Komputeralgebra tanszék
Math and CS @ELTE
The stuff we call "software" is not like anything that human society is used to thinking about. Software is something like a machine, and something like mathematics, and something like language, and something like thought, and art, and information… But software is not in fact any of those other things.
-- The Hacker Crackdown,
by Bruce Sterling
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- MPQS, SIQS and GNFS on Sony Playstation 3 Cell B. E.
- Cunningham chains
- Strong pseudoprimes
- Matrix Powers Kernels
- Goldbach conjecture
- Machine Learning
- Jens Domke, Emil Vatai, Aleksandr Drozd, Peng Chen, Yosuke Oyama, Lingqi Zhang,Shweta Salaria, Daichi Mukunoki, Artur Podobas, Mohamed Wahib, Satoshi Matsuoka
- Matrix Engines for High Performance Computing: A Paragon of Performance or Grasping at Straws? Proceedings of the 35rd IEEE International Parallel & DistributedProcessing Symposium, May 17-21, 2021 Portland, Oregon, USA
- Emil Vatai, Utsav Singhal, and Reiji Suda
- Diamond matrix powers kernels, In Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region (HPCAsia2020), Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 102–113. https://doi.org/10.1145/3368474.3368494
- G. Farkas, G. E. Gévay, A. Járai, E. Vatai,
- The largest known Cunningham chain of length 3 of the first kind, Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai Mathematica, Volume 59, Number 4, 2014, 457–462.
- E. Vatai,
- Inverse sieve, Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae Sectio Computatorica, 41 (2013) 355–360.
- G. Farkas, E. Vatai,
- Sieving for large Cunningham chains of length 3 of the first kind, Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae Sectio Computatorica, 40 (2013) 215–222.
- A. Járai, E. Vatai,
- Cache optimized linear sieve, Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Inform. 3,2 (2011) 205–223.
- A. Járai, E. Vatai,
- Cache optimized sieve, 8th Joint Conference on Math and Computer Science MaCS 2010, Komárno, Slovakia, 2010, pp. 249–256.
- Numbers, Functions, Equations 2013 (NFE’13)
- Visegrád, Hungary, 2013. "Inverse Sieve"
- TÁMOP szeminárium
- Visegrád, Hungary, 2012. "Cache optimizált sziták"
- 8th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science
- Komarno, Slovakia, 2010. "Cache optimized sieve"
- 8. Vajdasági Magyar Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia
- Szabadka, Serbia, 2009. "Nagyhatékonyságú számítások: faktorizálás".
- 4th International Symposium on Research and Education of Computational Science (RECS)
- The Computational Science Alliance of the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 2019 "Communication avoiding and memory hierarchy in large computations" Emil Vatai, Utsav Singhal, Suda Reiji
- Hallgatók a kutatásban, Tudományos előadássorozat
- ELTE IK, Budapest, Hungary, 2010. "Nagyharékonyságú számítások: Eratosthenészi szita".
- Scientific organiser of the 11th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, in Eger, Hungary
Editorial work
- Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science at CEUR.ws: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2046/
- Open HPC
- Better Scientific Software (BSSw)
- How to Write a Git Commit Message
- "My favourite git commit", A nice article about git from here (comments are also interesting)
- Gitflow - git branching for large projects
- Probably my favourite Vim cheatsheet
- Why Emacs? (Because real programmers)
- Why VIM?
- Wolfram Mathworld
- Wolfram alpha
- Numberphile (youtube)
- 3blue1brown's youtube channel
- Bill Shillito - Introduction to higher mathematics on youtube
- Purplemath.com
- How to fold a Julia fractal
- Some algebra
- Some graphs
- mathb.in: Pastebin for LaTeX
- The pragmatic programmer by Andrew Hunt, David Thomas
- Playing with infinity (originally Játék a végtelennel) by Péter Rózsa
- Code Complete (2nd edition) by Steve McConnell
- This review suggest "Mathematics for Computer Science" as a good discrete mathematics book.
- Coding Horror
- Against procrastination: The Ultimate Productivity Blog
- Plusz-mínusz feladat lap: tex, pdf.
- ZH sablon: zh-common.tex, zh.tex.
- Test templates: test-common.tex, test.tex
Contact information
- Name
- Emil Vatai
- Programdesigner mathematician
- PhD in Computer Science
- Current
- New website: vatai.github.io
- Postdoc at RIKEN Center for Computational Science, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Systems Research Team
- email: emil.vatai at riken dot jp
- github: https://github.com/vatai/
- University
- Eötvös Loránd University,
- Faculty of Informatics
- Address
- 1117 Budapest, Hungary
- Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
- Room D2-204 (South building)