From: Subject: Papers of Ron Graham Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 23:40:52 +0200 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="windows-1250" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2900.5994 Papers of Ron Graham

Papers of Ron Graham

Keyword search: =20

2011, 2010,
2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990,
1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980,
1979, 1978, 1977, 1976, 1975, 1974, 1973, 1972, 1971, 1970,
1969, 1968, 1967, 1966, 1965, 1964, 1963

Preprints, Patents, Technical = Memorandums, Profiles, Miscellaneous, Coauthors=20

Preprints  Back to top
  1. An=20 interstice relationship for flowers with four petals, (with S. = Butler, G.=20 Guettler and C. Mallows).
  2. Subdivision= by=20 bisectors is dense in the space of all triangles, (with S. = Butler).
  3. Constructing = points=20 through folding and intersection, (with S. Butler, E. Demaine and = T.=20 Tachi).
  4. A note=20 on marking lines in [k]n, (with S. = Butler), to=20 appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptography.
  5. Origami=20 rings, (with J. Buhler, S. Butler and W. de Launey).

2011  Back to top
  1. Bus=20 matrix synthesis based on Steiner graphs for power efficient = system-on-chip=20 communications, (with R. Wang, Y. Zheng, N.-C. Chou, E.F.Y. Young = and=20 C.-K. Cheng), IEEE=20 Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and = Systems=20 30 (February 2011), 167-179.=20
  2. Memories = of Martin=20 Gardner, (with S.G. Krantz, P.W. Diaconis, D.E. Knuth, J. Randi, = P. Renz=20 and R.M. Smullyan), Notices=20 Amer. Math. Soc. 58 (2011), 418-422.=20
  3. Hypercube= =20 orientations with only two in-degrees, (with J. Buhler, S. Butler = and E.=20 Tressler), Journal of = Combinatorial=20 Theory, Series A 118 (2011), 1695-1702.=20
  4. Is = randomness=20 necessary?, Randomness Through Computation: = Some=20 Answers, More Questions, H. Zenil, ed., World Scientific Press = (2011),=20 3-5.

2010  Back to top
  1. Some=20 Ramsey results for the n-cube, (with J. Solymosi), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A = 117=20 (2010), 189-195.=20
  2. A=20 panaromic view (review of The Princeton Companion of = Mathematics),=20 American Scientist 98 (January/February 2010), 78-79.
  3. Enumerati= ng=20 (multiplex) juggling sequences, (with S. Butler), Annals=20 of Combinatorics 13 (2010), 413-424.=20
  4. How to=20 play the majority game with a liar, (with S. Butler and J. Mao), = Discrete Mathematics 310 (6 = February=20 2010), 622-629.=20
  5. A=20 symmetrical Eulerian identity, (with F. Chung and D. Knuth), Journal of Combinatorics 1 (2010), = 29-38.=20
  6. Descent = polynomials=20 for permutations with bounded drop size, (with F. Chung, A. = Claesson and=20 M. Dukes), European Journal = of=20 Combinatorics 31 (2010), 1853-1867.=20
  7. Irreduc= ible=20 Apollonian configurations and packings, (with S. Butler, G. = Guettler and=20 C. Mallows), Discrete = &=20 Computational Geometry 44 (2010), 487-507.=20
  8. Shuffling= with=20 ordered cards, (with S. Butler), Journal of=20 Combinatorics 1 (2010), 121-139.=20
  9. Can=20 you hear the shape of a Beatty sequence, (with K. O'Bryant), Additive Number Theory: Festschrift In Honor of the=20 Sixtieth Birthday of Melvyn B. Nathanson, D. Chudnovsky, G. = Chudnovsky,=20 eds. (2010), 39-52.=20
  10. Tiling = polygons=20 with lattice triangles, (with S. Butler, F. Chung and M. = Laczkovich), Discrete = & Computational=20 Geometry 44 (2010), 896-903.=20
  11. Physical = synthesis of=20 bus matrix for high bandwidth low power on-chip communications, = (with R.=20 Wang, E.F.Y. Young and C.-K. Cheng), Proceedings=20 of the 19th international symposium on Physical design (2010), = 91-96.=20
  12. = Iterated=20 triangle partitions, (with S. Butler), Fete of=20 Combinatorics and Computer Science, G. Katona, A. Schrijver, T. = Szonyi,=20 eds., Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 29, Springer-Verlag, = Heidelberg=20 (2010), 23-42.=20
  13. Find= ing=20 patterns avoiding many monochromatic constellations, (with S. = Butler and=20 K. Costello), Experimental = Mathematics=20 19 (2010), number 4, 399-411.=20
  14. Open = problems in=20 Euclidean Ramsey theory, (with E. Tressler), to = appear in=20 Ramsey Theory: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, A. Soifer (ed),=20 Birkhauser, Boston (2010), 115-120.

2009  Back to top
  1. Approxima= tely=20 optimal trees for group key management with batch updates, (with = M. Li, Z.=20 Feng, N. Zang and F.F. Yao),=20 Theoretical Computer = Science=20 410 (2009), 1013-1021.=20
  2. M= inimum=20 perimeter rectangles that enclose congruent non-overlapping = circles, (with=20 B.D. Lubachevsky), Discrete Mathematics = 309=20 (2009), 1947-1962.=20
  3. Pack= ing=20 equal squares into a large square, (with F. Chung),=20 JCTA 116 (2009), 1167-1175.=20
  4. Optimal = jumping=20 patterns, (with S. Butler and N. Zang), Journal=20 of Combinatorics and Number Theory 1 (2009), 1-13.=20
  5. The = elementary proof of the prime number theorem, (with J. Spencer), = The Mathematical Intelligenver 31 (2009), = 18-23.=20

2008  Back to top
  1. Quasi= -random=20 graphs with given degree sequences, (with F.R.K. Chung),=20 Random Structures and Algorithms 32 (2008), = 1-19.=20
  2. Enumera= ting=20 split-pair arrangements, (with N. Zang), JCTA = 115=20 (2008), 293-303.=20
  3. = Primitive=20 juggling sequences, (with F.R.K. Chung), American=20 Mathematical Monthly 115 (March 2008), 185-194.=20
  4. Analysis = of greedy=20 approximations with nonsubmodular potential functions, (with D.-Z. = Du,=20 P.M. Pardalos, P.-J. Wan, W. Wu and W. Zhao), Proceedings of=20 the nineteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms = (2008),=20 167-175.=20
  5. Products = of=20 universal cycles, (with P. Diaconis), A = Lifetime of=20 Puzzles: Honoring Martin Gardner, E. Demaine, M. Demaine, T. = Rodgers, eds.=20 (2008), 35-55.=20
  6. Old = and new=20 problems and results in Ramsey theory, Horizons of = Combinatorics=20 (Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies), E. Gyori, G.O.H. Katona and = L.=20 Lovasz, eds. (2008), 105-118.
  7. Jumping=20 sequences, (with S. Butler and N. Zang),=20 Journal of Integer Sequences 11 = (2008),=20 article 08.4.5, 13pp.

2007  Back to top
  1. The=20 solutions to Elmsley's problem, (with P. Diaconis),=20 Math Horizons 14 (2007), 22-27.=20
  2. O= n=20 minimal colorings without monochromatic solutions to a linear = equation,=20 (with B. Alexeev and J. Fox), Combinatorial=20 Number Theory, B. Landman, M.B. Nathanson, J. Nesetril, R.J. = Nowakowski,=20 C. Pomerance, eds. (2007), 1-22. Also appeared in INTEGERS = 7(2)=20 (2007), A1 (electronic) 20 pp.=20
  3. Universal = juggling=20 cycles, (with F.R.K. Chung), Combinatorial Number=20 Theory, B. Landman, M.B. Nathanson, J. Nesetril, R.J. Nowakowski, = C.=20 Pomerance, eds. (2007), 121-130. Also appeared in INTEGERS = 7(2)=20 (2007), A8 (electronic) 10 pp.=20
  4. S= ome of=20 my favorite problems in Ramsey Theory, Combinatorial Number = Theory,=20 B. Landman, M.B. Nathanson, J. Nesetril, R.J. Nowakowski, C. = Pomerance, eds.=20 (2007), 229-236. Also appeared in INTEGERS 7(2) (2007), = A15=20 (electronic) 8 pp.
  5. Appro= ximately=20 optimal trees for group key management with batch updates, (with = Z. Feng,=20 M. Li, F.F. Yao), Theory and = Applications=20 of Models of Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer Science = 4484,=20 Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, J.-Y. Cai, S.B. Cooper and H. Zhu, eds. = (2007),=20 284-295.=20
  6. How=20 to play the majority game with liars, (with S. Butler and J. Mao), = AAIM 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer = Science=20 4508, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, M.-Y. Kao and X.-Y. Li, eds. = (2007),=20 221-230.=20
  7. Optimal = tree=20 structure for group key management with batch updates, (with M. Li = and=20 F.F. Yao), SIAM J. on Disc. Math = 21=20 (2007), no. 2, 532-547.=20
  8. Reducing= the=20 bias of multitaper spectrum estimates, (with G.A. Prieto, R.L. = Parker,=20 D.J. Thomson, and F.L. Vernon),=20 Geophysical Journal=20 International 171 (2007), 1269-1281.=20
  9. Oblivious= and=20 adaptive strategies for the Majority and Plurality problems, (with = F.R.K.=20 Chung, J. Mao, and A. Yao), Algorithmica=20 48 (2007), 147-157.

2006  Back to top
  1. Apolloni= an=20 circle packings: geometry and group theory II. Super-Apollonian group = and=20 integral packings, (with J.C. Lagarias, C.L. Mallows, A.R. Wilks, = and C.H.=20 Yan), Discrete=20 & Computational Geometry 35 (2006), no. 1, 1-36.=20
  2. Apolloni= an=20 circle packings: geometry and group theory III. Higher dimensions, = (with=20 J.C. Lagarias, C.L. Mallows, A.R. Wilks, and C.H. Yan), Discrete = &=20 Computational Geometry 34 (2006), no. 1, 37-72.=20
  3. Mono= chromatic=20 equilateral right triangles on the integer grid, (with J. = Solymosi), Topics in Discrete Mathematics, = Algorithms and=20 Combinatorics 26, 129-132.=20
  4. On the=20 growth of a van der Waerden-like function, INTEGERS = 6=20 (2006), A29 (electronic) 5 pp.=20
  5. Review = of "Modern=20 Graph Theory" by Reinhard Diestel, (with P. Diaconis),=20 SIAM Review 48, no. 4, (2006), 798-800. =
  6. = Maximizing=20 Data Locality in Distributed Systems, (with F.R.K. Chung, R. = Bhagwan, S.=20 Savage, and G.M. Voelker), Jour. Comp.=20 System Sci. 72 (December 2006), 1309-1316.=20
  7. Communication = Latency=20 Aware Low Power NoC Synthesis, (with Y. Hu, Y. Zhu, H. Chen and = C.-K.=20 Cheng), appeared in=20 proceedings of Design Automation Conference, 2006 43rd = ACM/IEEE,=20 574-579.=20
  8. Paralle= lism=20 versus memory allocation in pipelined router forwarding engines, = (with=20 F.R.K. Chung, J. Mao and G. Varghese),=20 Theory of Computing Systems = 39 (November 2006), 829-849.=20
  9. Timing = model=20 reduction for hierarchical timing analysis, (with S. Zhou, Y. Zhu, = Y. Hu,=20 M. Hutton, and C.-K. Cheng), Proceedings of=20 the 2006 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided = design,=20 415-422.=20
  10. On the=20 construction of zero-deficiency parallel prefix circuits with minimum=20 depth, (with H. Zhu, and C.-K. Cheng), ACM=20 Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems 11 = No. 2=20 (April 2006), 387-409.

2005  Back to top
  1. Con= structing=20 zero-deficiency parallel prefix adder of minimum depth, (with H. = Zhu, and=20 C.-K. Cheng), Proceedings of the 2005=20 conference on Asia South Pacific design automation, 883-888.=20
  2. A = discrete=20 Fourier kernel and Fraenkel's tiling conjecture, (with K. = O'Bryant), Acta Arithmetica 118 (2005), = no.3, 283-304.=20
  3. Apolloni= an=20 circle packings: geometry and group theory I. The Apollonian = group, (with=20 J.C. Lagarias, C.L. Mallows, A.R. Wilks, and C.H. Yan), Discrete = &=20 Computational Geometry 34 (2005), no. 4, 547-585.=20
  4. = Oblivious=20 and Adaptive Strategies for the Majority and Plurality Problems, = (with=20 F.R.K. Chung, J. Mao, and A. Yao), Computing=20 and combinatorics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3595,=20 Springer, Berlin (2005), 329-338.

2004  Back to top
  1. Generaliz= ed de=20 Bruijn cycles, (with J.N. Cooper), Ann. = Comb.=20 8 (2004), no. 1, 13-25.=20
  2. Guessing = secrets=20 with inner product questions, (with F.R.K. Chung and L. Lu), Internet Math. 1 (2004), no. 2, = 177-192.=20
  3. Parallelism = versus=20 Memory Allocation in Pipelined Router Forwarding Engines, (with = F.R.K.=20 Chung and G. Varghese), SPAA'04, = Barcelona, Spain,=20 (2004), 103-111.=20
  4. Open = problems=20 in Euclidean Ramsey Theory, Geombinatorics 13 = (2004),=20 165-177.
  5. Juggling=20 patterns, passing, and posets, (with J. Buhler),=20 Mathematical Adventures for Students and Amateurs, = MAA=20 (2004), 99-116.

2003  Back to top
  1. Dense=20 packings of congruent circles in rectangles with a variable aspect = ratio,=20 (with B.D. Lubachevsky), in Discrete and = computational=20 geometry, 633-650, Algorithms Combin., 25, Springer, Berlin, 2003. =
  2. Apolloni= an=20 circle packings: number theory, (with J.C. Lagarias, C.L. Mallows, = A.R.=20 Wilks, and C.H. Yan), J. Number=20 Theory 100 (2003), no. 1, 1-45.=20
  3. Floorplan= =20 Representations: Complexity and Connections, (with B. Yao, H. = Chen, and=20 C.-K. Cheng), ACM Trans. on = Design=20 Automation of Electronic Systems, vol. 8, pp. 55-80, Jan. 2003.=20
  4. A=20 Hierarchical Three-Way Interconnect Architecture for Hexagonal = Processors,=20 (with F. Zhou, E.Y. Cheng, B. Yao, and C.-K. Cheng), Int. Workshop on System Level=20 Interconnect Prediction, pp. 133-139, April 2003.=20
  5. Finding=20 favorites, (with F.R.K. Chung, J. Mao, and A. Yao), Electronic Colloquium on Computational=20 Complexity, Report No. 78 (2003).

2002  Back to top
  1. Ram= sey=20 properties of families of graphs, (with T. Luczak, V. Rodl, and A. = Rucinski), J. Combin. = Theory=20 Ser. B 86 (2002), no. 2, 413-419.=20
  2. = New=20 bounds on a hypercube coloring problem, (with H.Q. Ngo and D.-Z. = Du), Inform. Process. Lett. 84 = (2002), no.=20 5, 265-269.=20
  3. Sparse= =20 quasi-random graphs, (with F.R.K. Chung), Special = issue: Paul=20 Erdos and his mathematics, Combinatorica 22 (2002), no. = 2,=20 217-244.=20
  4. On = sparse=20 sets hitting linear forms, (with F.R.K. Chung and P. Erdos), Number theory for the millennium, I (Urbana, IL,=20 2000), 257-272, A K Peters, Natick, MA, 2002.=20
  5. Ra= msey=20 theory and Paul Erdos (recent results from a historical = perspective),=20 (with J. Nevsetvril), Paul Erd=EF=BF=BDs and = his mathematics,=20 II (Budapest, 1999), 339-365, Bolyai Soc. Math. Stud., 11, = J=EF=BF=BDnos Bolyai=20 Math. Soc., Budapest, 2002.=20
  6. Balancing=20 the Interconnect Topology for Arrays of Processors between Cost and = Power,=20 (with E.Y. Cheng, F. Zhou, B. Yao, and C.-K. Cheng), IEEE Int. Conf on Computer=20 Design, pp. 30-35, Sept. 2002.=20
  7. Gu= essing=20 secrets with inner product questions, (with F.R.K. Chung and L. = Lu), Proceedings of the thirteenth annual = ACM-SIAM=20 symposium on Discrete algorithms, 247-253, 2002. =

  Back to top
  1. Combinatorics = for the=20 East model, (with F.R.K. Chung and P. Diaconis), Adv. in Appl. Math. 27 (2001), no. 1,=20 192-206.=20
  2. Guessing = secrets=20 (extended abstract), (with F.R.K. Chung and T. Leighton), Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual ACM-SIAM=20 Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (Washington, DC, 2001), 723-726, = SIAM,=20 Philadelphia, PA, 2001.=20
  3. Distance=20 realization problems with applications to internet tomography, = (with=20 F.R.K. Chung, M. Garrett and D. Shallcross), J. Comput. System Sci.=20 63 (2001), no. 3, 432-448.=20
  4. Dy= namic=20 location problems with limited look-ahead, (with F.R.K. Chung), Computing and combinatorics (Taipei, 1998). Theoret. Comput. = Sci. 261 (2001), no. 2, 213-226.=20
  5. On = bipartite=20 graphs with linear Ramsey numbers, (with V. Rodl and A. Rucinski), = Paul Erdos and his mathematics = (Budapest,=20 1999). Combinatorica 21 (2001), no. 2, 199-209.=20
  6. Guess= ing=20 secrets, (with F.R.K. Chung and T. Leighton),=20 Electron. J. Combin. 8 (2001), = no. 1,=20 Research Paper 13, 25 pp. (electronic).=20
  7. Statis= tical=20 problems involving permutations with restricted positions, (with = P.=20 Diaconis and S.P. Holmes), State of = the art=20 in probability and statistics (Leiden, 1999), 195-222, IMS Lecture = Notes=20 Monogr. Ser., 36, Inst. Math. Statist., Beachwood, OH, 2001.=20
  8. Revisitin= g=20 Floorplan Representations, (with B. Yao, H. Chen, and C.K. Cheng), = Int. Symp. on Physical Design, = 2001, pp.=20 138-143.=20
  9. = New=20 bounds on a hypercube coloring problem and linear codes, (with = H.Q. Ngo,=20 and D.Z. Du), Proceedings of the = International=20 Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC = '01).=20

2000  Back to top
  1. Improvi= ng=20 dense packings of equal disks in a square, (with D.W. Boll, J. = Donovan and=20 B.D. Lubachevsky), Electron.=20 J. Combin. 7 (2000), Research Paper 46, 9 pp. (electronic). =
  2. On = graphs=20 with linear Ramsey numbers, (with V. Rodl and A. Rucinski), J. Graph Theory 35 (2000), = no.=20 3, 176-192.

1999  Back to top
  1. The = Graph of=20 Generating Sets of an Abelian Group, (with Persi Diaconis), Colloq. Math. 80 (1999), 31-38.=20
  2. = On the=20 Set of Common Differences in van der Waerden's Theorem on Arithmetic=20 Progressions, (with T.C. Brown and B.M. Landman) Canad. Math. Bull. 42 (1999), 25-36.=20
  3. On = the Limit of=20 a Recurrence Relation, (with C. Yan), J. of = Differ=20 Equations Appl. 5 (1999), 71-95.=20
  4. Erdos on Graphs: His Legacy of Open Problems, = (with F.R.K.=20 Chung), A.K. Peters, Cambridge, MA 1993, xiv+142 pp.=20

1998  Back to top
  1. Dense = Packings of=20 Congruent Circles in a Circle, (with B.D. Lubachevsky, K.J. = Nurmela,=20 P.R.J. Ostergard),=20 Discrete = Math.=20 181 (1998), 139-154.=20
  2. Force= d=20 Convex n-gons in the Plane, (with F.R.K. Chung),=20 Discrete and Computational Geometry 19, = (1998),=20 367-371.=20
  3. The=20 Work of Peter Shor, Proceedings of the International Congress = of=20 Mathematicians, Vol. I (Berlin), Doc. Math. 1998, Extra Vol. I, = 133-140.

1997  Back to top
  1. The = Steiner=20 Ratio for the dual normed plane, (with D.Z. Du and P.J. Wan), Discrete Mathematics 171 (1997),=20 261-275.=20
  2. Cu= rved=20 Hexagonal Packings of Equal Disks in a Circle, (with B.D. = Lubachevsky), Discrete and Computational = Geometry 18=20 (1997), 179-194.=20
  3. Patte= rns and=20 Structures in Disk Packings, (with B.D. Lubachevsky and F.H. = Stillinger), Periodica = Mathematica Hungarica=20 34 (1-2), (1997), 123-142.=20
  4. Eu= clidean=20 Ramsey Theory, Handbook of Discrete and Computational = Geometry, E.=20 Goodman and J. O'Rourke, editors, (1997), 153-166.
  5. Rand= om=20 walks on generating sets for finite groups, (with F.R.K. Chung), = Electronic J. Combin. 4 (1997), no. 2, = Research=20 Paper 7, approx. 14pp. (electronic)=20
  6. Stratifi= ed=20 Random Walks on the n-Cube, (with F.R.K. Chung),=20 Random Structures and Algorithms 11 (1997), = 199-222.=20

1996  Back to top
  1. Ra= msey=20 Theory in the Work of Paul Erdos, (with J. Nesetril),=20 Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Operations = Research, Optimization, (1996) No. 95-295, KAM Series.=20
  2. Primitive=20 Partition Identities, (with P. Diaconis and B. Sturmfels), Paul Erdos is 80, Vol. 2, Janos = Bolyai=20 Society, Budapest, Hungary (1996) 173-192.=20
  3. A=20 Remark on a Paper of Erdos and Nathanson, Number Theory, New = York=20 Seminar 1991-1995, D.V. Chudnowsky, G.U. Chudnovsky, M. Nathanson, = eds.=20 Springer-Verlag, New York 1996, 177-179.
  4. On=20 Schur properties of random subsets of integers, (with V. Rodl and = A.=20 Rucinski), J. Number Theory = 61=20 (1996), 388-408.=20
  5. Comp= lete=20 sequences of sets of integer powers, (with S.A. Burr, P. Erdos and = W. Li),=20 Acta Arithmetica 77 = (1996),=20 133-138.=20
  6. On=20 sampling with Markov chains, (with F.R.K. Chung and S.T. Yau), Random Structures and Algorithms 9=20 (1996), 55-77.=20
  7. Repeate= d=20 Patterns of Dense Packings of Equal Disks in a Square, (with B.D.=20 Lubachevsky), Elec. J. of Combinatorics = 3=20 (1996) R16, 17 pp.

1995  Back to top
  1. Dense = Packings=20 of Equal Disks in an Equilateral Triangle: From 22 to 34 and = Beyond, (with=20 B.D. Lubachevsky), Electronic J. = Combinatorics #A1,=20 1995 (January), 39 pp.=20
  2. Dens= e=20 Packings of 3k(k+1)+1 Equal Disks in a Circle for=20 k=3D1,2,3,4, and 5, (with B.D. Lubachevsky),=20 Computing and Combinatorics, Fifth Annual = International=20 Conference, COCOON '95 Xi'an China, August 1995 Proceedings, = (1995),=20 303-312, Springer-Verlag, NY.=20
  3. Pebbling = a=20 Chessboard, (with F.R.K. Chung, J. Morrison and A.M. Odlyzko), American Math. Monthly=20 102 (1995), 113-123.=20
  4. On= the=20 Cover Polynomial of a Digraph, (with F.R.K. Chung), = Journal=20 of Combinatorial Theory, (B) 65 (1995), 273-290.=20
  5. A= Tight=20 Lower Bound for the Steiner Ratio in Minkowski Planes, (with B. = Gao and=20 D.Z. Du), Discrete Mathematics 142 = (1995),=20 49-63.

1994  Back to top
  1. Juggling = Drops=20 and Descents, (with J. Buhler, D. Eisenbud and C. Wright), American Math Monthly=20 101 (1994) 507-519. Reprinted= with=20 new appendix in the Canadian Mathematical Society, Conference=20 Proceedings, Volume 20, 1997.=20
  2. A=20 Note on the Binomial Drop Polynomial of a Poset, (with J. Buhler), = J. Comb. Th. (A) 66 (1994) 321-326.=20
  3. A= Tight=20 Lower Bound in the Steiner Ratio Minkowski Planes, (with B. Gao, = D.Z. Du),=20 Proceedings of the 10th Symp. on Computational=20 Geometry, Stony Brook, NY, ACM, (1994) 183-191.=20
  4. Routing=20 permutations on graphs via matchings, (with N. Alon, F.R.K. = Chung), SIAM Journal on Discrete = Mathematics 7=20 (1994), 513-530.=20
  5. Re= cent=20 Trends in Euclidean Ramsey Theory, Discrete Math. = 136=20 (1994), 119-127.

1993  Back to top
  1. Lexic= ographic=20 Ramsey Theory, (with P.C. Fishburn), J. = Combin. Th.=20 (A) 62 (1993) 280-298.=20
  2. On=20 hypergraphs having evenly distributed subhypergraphs, (with F.R.K. = Chung),=20 Disc. Math. 111 (1993) 125-129.=20
  3. Graceful=20 Configurations in the Plane, (with D. Chung and H. Taylor), Mathematics Magazine 66 no. 2,=20 (1993) 96-104.=20
  4. The=20 Sperner Capacity of Linear and Nonlinear Codes for the Cyclic = Triangle,=20 (with A.R. Calderbank, P. Frankl, W-C W. Li, L.A. Shepp), Journal of = Algebraic=20 Combinatorics 3 (1993) 31-48.=20
  5. Minimum = Steiner=20 Trees in Normed Planes, (with D.Z. Du, B. Gao, Z.-C. Liu, and = P.-J. Wan), Disc. & = Comp. Geo.=20 9 (1993) 351-370.=20
  6. An Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, (with J. = Akiyama),=20 (1993) (in Japanese), Asakura Publishing Co.=20
  7. Routing=20 permutations in graphs via matchings, (with N. Alon and F.R.K. = Chung), Proceedings of the 25th ACM Symposium = on Theory of=20 Computing, pp. 583-591, San Diego, CA.

1992  Back to top
  1. An = Affine=20 Walk on the Hypercube, (with P. Diaconis), Journal of=20 Computational and Applied Mathematics 41 (1992), 215-235.=20
  2. Bou= nds for=20 Arrays of Dots with Distinct Slopes or Lengths, (with P. Erdos, = I.Z.=20 Ruzsa, H. Taylor), Combinatorica=20 12 (1) (1992) 39-44.=20
  3. Quasi-ran= dom=20 subsets of Z_n, (with F.R.K. Chung), J. = Comb. Th=20 (A) 61 (1992) 64-86.=20
  4. Bino= mial=20 coefficient codes over GF(2), (with P. Diaconis),=20 Discrete Math. 106/107 (1992) 181-188.=20
  5. Maximu= m cuts=20 and quasi-random graphs, (with F.R.K. Chung), Proceedings=20 of Poznan 1989 Symposium on Random Graphs 2, 23-33 (1992) = A.M.=20 Frieze and T. Luczak, eds., John Wiley publishers.=20
  6. Un= iversal=20 cycles for combinatorial structures, (with F.R.K. Chung and P. = Diaconis), Discrete Math. 110 = (1992) 43-59.=20
  7. Cohom= ological=20 Aspects of Hypergraphs, (with F.R.K. Chung), Trans. = of the=20 Amer. Math. Soc. 334 no. 1 (1992) 365-388.=20
  8. Roots = of=20 Ramsey Theory, Andrew M. Gleason, Glimpses of a Life in = Mathematics=20 39-47, E. Bolker, P. Cherno, C. Costes, D. Lieberman, eds. (1992), E. = Bolker,=20 pub.

1991  Back to top
  1. Quasi-ran= dom Set=20 Systems, (with F.R.K. Chung), J. Amer. Math. = Soc.=20 4 (1991), 151-196.=20
  2. Further= =20 Results on Maximal Anti-Ramsey Graphs, (with S.A. Burr, P. Erdos, = and P.=20 Frankl), Proceedings of 6th=20 Quadrennial International Conference on Theory and Applications of = Graphs,=20 Western Michigan University, in Graph Theory, Combinatorics, and=20 Applications, Y. Alavi, G. Chartrand, O.R. Oellerman, A.J. Schwenk, = eds.=20 (1991), 193-206.=20
  3. Q= uasi-Random=20 Tournaments, (with F.R.K. Chung), Journal of Graph=20 Theory 15 no. 2 (1991) 173-198.

1990  Back to top
  1. Penny= -Packing=20 and Two-Dimensional Codes, (with N.J.A. Sloane), Discrete=20 and Computational Geometry 5 (1990), 1-11.=20
  2. Asymptotic=20 Analysis of a Random Walk on a Hypercube with Many Dimensions, = (with P.=20 Diaconis and J.A. Morrison), Random=20 Structures and Algorithms (1990), 51-72.=20
  3. Old = and New=20 Proofs of the Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorem, (with P. Frankl),=20 Journal of Sichuan University Natural Science = Edition=20 26 (1989), Special Issue.=20
  4. Iterated=20 Combinatorial Density Theorems, (with P. Frankl and V. Rodl), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series = A=20 54 (1990), 95-111.=20
  5. Q= uasi-Random=20 Hypergraphs, (with F.R.K. Chung), Random Structures = and=20 Algorithms 1 (1990), 105-124.=20
  6. Ramse= y=20 Theory, (with Joel H. Spencer), Scientific = American=20 262 no. 7 (1990), 112-117.=20
  7. Quantita= tive=20 Versionen von kombinatorischen Partitionssatzen, (with P. Frankl, = and V.=20 Rodl) Jber. d. Dt. Math.-Verein = 92=20 (1990), 130-144.=20
  8. A=20 Whirlwind Tour of Computational Geometry, (with F. Yao), = American=20 Mathematical Monthly 97 (1990), 687-701.
  9. Balanced = Design=20 of Bootstrap Simulations, (with D.V. Hinkley, P.W.M. John, and S. = Shi), J. of Royal Stat. Soc. = (B) 52=20 (1990), 185-202.=20
  10. O= n=20 Graphs Not Containing Prescribed Induced Subgraphs, (with F.R.K. = Chung), A Tribute to Paul Erdos, ed. by A. Baker, B. = Bollobas and=20 A. Hajnal, Cambridge University Press (1990), 111-120.=20
  11. Ramsey Theory, (with B. Rothschild and J.H. = Spencer), John Wiley and Sons, NY, 2nd = edition,=20 xii+196pp.=20
  12. To= pics in=20 Euclidean Ramsey Theory, Mathematics of Ramsey Theory, J. = Nesetril=20 and V. Rodl, eds. Springer-Verlag, New York, (1990), 200-213.
  13. Quantitative Forms for Combinatorial Pattern and = Density=20 Theorems, (with P. Erdos, P. Frankl, and V. Rodl), Proceedings of Bernoulli Soc.=20 Meeting of Tashkent, Uzbekistan (1990).

1989  Back to top
  1. Th= e=20 Shortest-Network Problem, (with M.W. Bern), Scientific=20 American 260 (1989) 84-89.=20
  2. Steiner = Trees on a=20 Checkerboard, (with F.R.K. Chung and M. Gardner), Math. Mag. 62 (1989) 83-96.=20
  3. A = Dynamic=20 Location Problem for Graphs, (with F.R.K. Chung and M.E. Saks), Combinatorica 9 (1989), 111-131.=20
  4. = Maximal=20 Antiramsey Graphs and the Strong Chromatic Number, (with S.A. = Burr, P.=20 Erdos, V.T. Sos), Journal of = Graph=20 Theory 13 (1989) 263-282.=20
  5. Quasi-= Random=20 Graphs, (with F.R.K. Chung and R.M. Wilson),=20 Combinatorica 9 (1989), = 345-362.=20
  6. Quasi-r= andom=20 hypergraphs, (with F.R.K. Chung), Proc. Natl. Acad. = Sci. 86 (1989), 8175-8177.=20
  7. Concrete Mathematics, (with D.E. Knuth and O. = Patashnik), Addison Wesley, (1989) 7th = Printing, July 1991, 625=20 pp. + xiii. (Chinese edition, Taipei, 1990, 731 pp.)=20
  8. On the = Improbability of Reaching Byzantine Agreements, (with A.C. Yao), = Proc. 21st ACM Symp. on Th. of Comp. (1989), = 467-478.=20
  9. On=20 the Distribution of Monochromatic Configurations, (with P. Frankl = and V.=20 Rodl), Irregularities of = Partitions,=20 Springer-Verlag, Algorithms and Combinatorics 8 (1989), 71-87.=20

1988  Back to top
  1. On the=20 Fractional Covering Number of Hypergraphs, (with F.R.K. Chung, Z. = Furedi,=20 and M.R. Garey), SIAM J. = Disc.=20 Math. 1 (1988) 45-49.=20
  2. Pur= suit-Evasion=20 Games on Graphs, (with F.R.K. Chung and J.E. Cohen), J. of Graph Theory 12 (1988) 159-167.=20
  3. Isometric=20 Embedding of Graphs, Selected Topics in Graph Theory 3,=20 Beineke/Wilson eds., Academic Press, N.Y., (1988), 133-150.
  4. QuasiR= andom=20 Graphs, (with F.R.K. Chung and R.M. Wilson),=20 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 85 = (1988)=20 969-970.=20
  5. Quantitativ= e=20 Theorems for Regular Systems of Equations, (with P. Frankl and V. = Rodl), J. of Comb. Th. (A) 47 = (1988)=20 246-261.=20
  6. On = Induced=20 Subgraphs of the Cube, (with F.R.K. Chung, Z. Furedi, and P. = Seymour), J. Combin. Th. = (A) (1988),=20 180-187.

1987  Back to top
  1. I= nduced=20 Restricted Ramsey Theorems for Spaces, (with P. Frankl and V. = Rodl), Jour. Comb. Th. (A) 44 = (1987),=20 120-128.=20
  2. On = Subsets of=20 Abelian Groups with No 3-Term Arithmetic Progression, (with P. = Frankl and=20 V. Rodl), Jour. Comb. Th. (A) = 45=20 (1987), 157-161.=20
  3. Hi= ghly=20 Irregular Graphs, (with Y. Alavi, G. Chartrand, F.R.K. Chung, P. = Erdos and=20 O.R. Oellermann), J. of=20 Graph Theory 11 (1987) 235-249.=20
  4. Numb= ers in=20 Ramsey Theory, (with V. Rodl), Surveys in=20 Combinatorics, London Math. Soc. Lect. Notes Series 123, ed. C. = Whitehead=20 (1987) 111-153.=20
  5. Random= Walks=20 Arising in Random Number Generation, (with F.R.K. Chung and P. = Diaconis), Annals of Probability = 15 (1987)=20 1148-1165.=20
  6. Dyna= mic=20 Search in Graphs, (with F.R.K. Chung and M.E. Saks), Perspectives in Computing, Vol. 15, Discrete=20 Algorithms and Complexity, Proc. Japan-US Joint Seminar 6/86, Kyoto, = Japan,=20 (1987) 351-387.=20
  7. A = New=20 Result on Comma-Free Codes of Even Word-Length, (with B. Tang and = S.W.=20 Golomb), Can. J. Math. 39 = (1987)=20 513-526.=20
  8. = A=20 Similarity Measure for Graphs - Reflections on a Theme of Ulam, = Los=20 Alamos Science No. 15 (special issue) (1987), 114-121.
  9. The=20 Radon Transform on Abelian Groups, (with P. Frankl),=20 Jour. of Combinatorial Theory (A) 44 = (1987)=20 168-171.

1986  Back to top
  1. Ma= thematics=20 is a Very Exciting Subject, (in Japanese with J. Akiyama),=20 Sugaku Seminar 25 (1986), 21-32.=20
  2. Lar= ge=20 Minimal Sets Which Force Long Arithmetic Progressions, (with J. = Nesetril),=20 Jour. Comb. Th. (A) 42 (1986), = 270-276.=20
  3. Some=20 Intersection Theorems for Ordered Sets and Graphs, (with F.R.K. = Chung, P.=20 Frankl and J.B. Shearer), Jour.=20 Comb. Th. (A) 43 (1986), 23-37.

1985  Back to top
  1. On = the=20 Covering Radius of Codes, (with N.J.A. Sloane), IEEE=20 Trans. Inf. Theory IT-31 (1985), 385-401.=20
  2. Ol= d and=20 New Euclidean Ramsey Theorems, Dis. Geo. and Convexity, Annals = of the=20 N.Y. Acad. Sci. 440 (1985), 20-30.
  3. = On the=20 Addressing Problem for Directed Graphs, (with F.R.K. Chung and = P.M.=20 Winkler), Graphs and Comb. 1 = (1985),=20 41-50.=20
  4. The=20 Radon Transform on Z_2^k, (with P. Diaconis), Pacific Jour. Math. 118 (1985), 323-345.=20
  5. Quantitativ= e Forms=20 of a Theorem of Hilbert, (with T.C. Brown, P. Erdos, and F.R.K. = Chung), Jour. Comb. Theory (A) = 38=20 (1985), 210-216.=20
  6. On = Isometric=20 Embeddings of Graphs, (with P.M. Winkler), Trans. Amer.=20 Math. Soc. 288 (1985), 527-536.=20
  7. On=20 the History of the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem, (with P. Hell), = Annals Hist. of Comp. 7 (1985), 43-57.=20
  8. Inter= section=20 Theorems for Vector Spaces, (with P. Frankl), Europ.=20 Jour. Comb. 6 (1985) 183-187.=20
  9. A= New=20 Bound for Euclidean Steiner Minimal Trees, (with F.R.K. Chung), Dis. Geo. and Convexity, Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. = 440=20 (1985) 328-346.=20
  10. Cla= sses of=20 Interval Graphs under Expanding Length Restrictions, (with P.C. = Fishburn),=20 Jour. Graph Th. 9 (1985) 459-472.=20

1984  Back to top
  1. Isometric= =20 Embeddings of Graphs, (with P.M. Winkler), Proc. Natl.=20 Acad. Sci. 81 (1984), 7259-7260.=20
  2. On=20 Isometric Embeddings of Graphs, Progress in Graph Th. eds. = J.A.=20 Bondy and U.S.R. Murty, Academic Press, Canada (1984), 307-322.
  3. Anti-= Hadamard=20 Matrices, (with N.J.A. Sloane), Lin. Algebra and = its=20 Applic. 62 (1984), 113-137.=20
  4. Fountains,= =20 Showers, and Cascades - Juggling's quintessential combinations of = algebra and=20 acrobatics, (with Joe Buhler), The Sciences = (1984),=20 44-51. (Also as "Juggling," MD Magazine 29 (1985), = 153-166.)=20
  5. Combi= natorial=20 Designs Related to the Perfect Graph Conjecture, (with V. Chvatal, = A.F.=20 Perold and S.H. Whitesides),=20 Annals of Disc. = Math.=20 21 (1984), 197-206.

1983  Back to top
  1. Recen= t=20 Developments in Ramsey Theory, Proc. Int'l. Congress of Math.,=20 Warszawa, Polish Scientific Publishers and Elsevier Science = Publishing=20 Co., (1983), 1555-1567.
  2. Edge-C= olored=20 Complete Graphs with Precisely Colored Subgraphs, (with F.R.K. = Chung), Combinatorica 3 (1983), 315-324.=20
  3. A=20 Canonical Partition Theorem for Equivalence Relations on=20 Z^t, (with W. Deuber, H.J. Promel, and B. Voigt), Jour. Comb. Theory (A)=20 34 (1983), 331-339.=20
  4. Euc= lidean=20 Ramsey Theorems on the n-Sphere, Jour. Graph Theory = 7=20 (1983), 105-114.
  5. The = Mathematics=20 of Perfect Shuffles, (with P. Diaconis and W.M. Kantor), Adv. Applied Math. 4 (1983),=20 175-196.=20
  6. On = Universal Graphs for Spanning Trees, (with F.R.K. Chung),=20 Jour. London Math. Soc. 27 (1983) 203-211.=20
  7. On = Complete=20 Bipartite Subgraphs Contained in Spanning Tree Complements, (with = B.=20 Bollobas and F.R.K. Chung), Studies in = Pure=20 Math., Akad. Kiado, Birkhauser, (1983), 83-90.=20
  8. Combinat= orial=20 Scheduling Th. Part II, Chinese Journal of Operations = Research=20 2 (1983), 26-35.=20
  9. Finding= the=20 Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon, (with F. Yao), J.=20 Algorithms 4 (1983), 324-331.

1982  Back to top
  1. The = Steiner=20 Problem in Phylogeny is NP-Complete, (with L.R. Foulds),=20 Adv. Applied Math. 3 (1982), 43-49.=20
  2. O= n=20 Graphs which Contain All Sparse Graphs, (with L. Babai, F.R.K. = Chung, P.=20 Erdos, and J.H. Spencer),=20 Ann. Disc. = Math.=20 12 (1982), 21-26.=20
  3. Line= ar=20 Extensions of Partial Orders and the FKG Inequality, Ordered = Sets,=20 I. Rival ed., D. Reidel Publishing Co., Boston (1982), 213-236.
  4. Tiling = Rectangles=20 with Rectangles, (with F.R.K. Chung and E.N. Gilbert), Math. Mag. 55 (1982), 286-291.=20
  5. Minimal=20 Decompositions of Hypergraphs into Mutually Isomorphic = Subhypergraphs,=20 (with F.R.K. Chung and P. Erdos), Jour. = Comb. Theory=20 (A) 32 (1982), 241-251.=20
  6. L'art de = jongler, (with J. Buhler), La Recherche = 13=20 (1982) 856-865. Give = Juggling a=20 Hand, (abridged version appeared as:) Readers Digest, = (December,=20 1988), 73-76.=20
  7. C= ombinatorial=20 Scheduling Theory, Part I, Chinese Journal of Operations = Research=20 1 (1982) 36-46.
  8. On = the=20 Minimum Dominating Pair Number of a Class of Graphs, (with F.R.K. = Chung,=20 E.J. Cockayne and D.J. Miller),=20 Carrib. Jour. Math. = 1=20 (1982) 73-76.=20
  9. Appl= ications=20 of the FKG Inequality and its Relatives, Proc. 12th Int'l Symp. = on=20 Math. Programming, Springer-Verlag, (1982), 115-131.
  10. Unlikel= ihood=20 That Minimal Phylogenies for a Realistic Biological Study Can Be = Constructed=20 in Reasonable Computational Time, (with L.R. Foulds),=20 Math. Biosciences 60 (1982), 133-142.=20
  11. The = Fulkerson=20 Prizes in Discrete Mathematics, Notices of the Amer. Math = Soc.=20 29 (1982), 624-625.

1981  Back to top
  1. = Fault-free=20 Tilings of Rectangles, The Mathematical Gardner, D. Klarner = ed.,=20 Wadsworth, Belmont, (1981), 120-126.
  2. Monochromatic=20 Lines in Partitions of Z^N, (with W.-C.W. Li and J.L. = Paul), Lecture Notes in Math. 884=20 Springer-Verlag, N. Y. (1981), 35-48.=20
  3. On=20 Irregularities of Distribution of Real Sequences, (with F.R.K. = Chung), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., USA 78 (1981), = 4001.=20
  4. On = Trees=20 Containing All Small Trees, (with F.R.K. Chung and D. = Coppersmith), The Theory of = Applications of Graphs, G.=20 Chartrand ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., N. Y. (1981), 265-272.=20
  5. On = The=20 Bandwidths of a Graph and its Complement, (with P.Z. Chinn, F.R.K. = Chung=20 and P. Erdos), The Theory of=20 Applications of Graphs, G. Chartrand ed., John Wiley & Sons = Inc., N.Y.=20 (1981), 243-253 (Proc. 4th Int'l. Graph Th. Conf.).=20
  6. Recent=20 Results in Graph Decompositions, (with F.R.K. Chung), Proc.=20 of the 8th British Comb. Conf., (1981), 103-123.=20
  7. Effici= ent=20 Realization Techniques for Network Flow Patterns, (with F.R.K. = Chung, F.K.=20 Hwang), Bell Sys. Tech. Jour. 60 = (1981),=20 1771-1786.=20
  8. On=20 Steiner Trees for Bounded Point Sets, (with F.R.K. Chung),=20 Geometriae Dedicata 11 (1981), 353-361.=20
  9. On = The=20 Permanents of Complements of the Direct Sum of Identity Matrices, = (with=20 F.R.K. Chung, P. Diaconis and C.L. Mallows), Adv. Applied. Math. 2=20 (1981), 121-137.=20
  10. Homogene= ous=20 Collinear Sets in Partitions of Z^n, (with W.-C.W. Li and = J.L.=20 Paul), Jour. Comb. Theory (A) 31 = (1981),=20 21-32.=20
  11. Minimal=20 Decomposition of All Graphs with Equinumerous Vertices and Edges into = Mutually=20 Isomorphic Subgraphs, (with F.R.K. Chung and P. Erdos), Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai, 37, Finite and=20 Infinite Sets, Eger, Hungary (1981), 171-179.=20
  12. On=20 Irregularities of Distribution, (with F.R.K. Chung),=20 Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai, 37, Finite and = Infinite Sets,=20 Eger, Hungary, (1981), 181-222.=20
  13. Minimal=20 Decompositions of Graphs into Mutually Isomorphic Subgraphs, (with = F.R.K.=20 Chung and P. Erdos), Combinatorica = 11=20 (1981), 13-24.=20
  14. Rudiments of Ramsey Theory, A.M.S. Conf. = Board of Math.=20 Sciences Lect. Notes 45, v+65 pp (Russian edition, Mir, = Moscow=20 1984, 96 pp.) (1981).
  15. Univer= sal=20 Caterpillars, (with F.R.K. Chung and J. Shearer), J. Comb. Theory (B) 31 (1981),=20 348-355.=20
  16. The = Analysis of=20 Sequential Experiments with Feedback to Subjects, (with P. = Diaconis), Annals of Stat. 9 (1981), = 3-23.=20

1980  Back to top
  1. I= nformation=20 Bounds are Weak in the Shortest Distance Problem, (with A.C. Yao = and F.F.=20 Yao), Jour. A.C.M. 27 (1980), = 428-444.=20
  2. On The = Structure=20 of t-Designs, (with S.-Y.R. Li and W.-C.W. Li), SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Meth. 1 (1980), = 8-14.=20
  3. On = Partitions=20 of E^n, Jour. Comb. Theory (A) 28 = (1980),=20 89-97.
  4. A = Note on=20 the Intersection Properties of Subsets of Integers, (with M. = Simonovits=20 and V.T. Sos), Jour. Comb. Theory = (A)=20 28 (1980), 106-110.=20
  5. Low= er=20 Bounds for Constant Weight Codes, (with N.J.A. Sloane),=20 IEEE Trans. of Information Th. IT-26 (1980), = 37-43.=20
  6. Some= =20 Monotonicity Properties of Partial Orders, (with A.C. Yao and F.F. = Yao), SIAM Jour. Alg. Disc. Meth. = 1 (1980),=20 251-258.=20
  7. On = Additive=20 Bases and Harmonious Graphs, (with N.J.A. Sloane), SIAM=20 Jour. Alg. Disc. Meth. 1 (1980), 382-404.=20
  8. On = Unimodality=20 for Linear Extensions of Partial Orders, (with F.R.K. Chung and = P.C.=20 Fishburn), SIAM Jour. Alg. Disc. = Meth.=20 1 (1980), 405-410.=20
  9. On a = Diophantine Equation Arising in Graph Theory, Europ. Jour. = Comb.=20 1 (1980), 107-112.
  10. On = Bases with=20 an Exact Order, (with P. Erdos), Acta Arith. = 37=20 (1980), 201-207.=20
  11. Old = and New=20 Problems and Results in Combinatorial Number Theory, (with P. = Erdos), Mono. No. 28 de L'Enseignement Math., Univ. = Geneva (1980)=20 128 pp.=20
  12. Ramsey Theory, (with B. Rothschild and J.H. = Spencer), John Wiley and Sons, NY = (1980), ix+174pp.=20
  13. = Computational=20 Complexity of Linear Programming, Science and Technology = 1=20 (1980), 65-67. (in Chinese).

1979  Back to top
  1. On = Universal=20 Graphs, (with F.R.K. Chung), Proc. 2nd Int'l Conf. = on Comb.=20 Math., Annals of N.Y. Acad. Sci., 319 (1979), 136-140.=20
  2. O= n=20 Constant Weight Codes and Harmonious Graphs, (with N.J.A. Sloane), = Proc. West Coast Conf. on Comb., Graph Theory, and = Comp.,=20 Congressus Numerantium 26 (1979), 25-40. Also, Utilitas=20 Math. 26 (1980), 25-40.=20
  3. O= ptimization=20 and Approximation in Deterministic Sequencing and Scheduling: A = Survey,=20 (with E.L. Lawler, J.K. Lenstra, and A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan), Annals of Dis. = Math.=20 5 (1979), 169-231.=20
  4. On=20 Properties of a Well-Known Graph or What is Your Ramsey Number?, = (with T.=20 Odda), Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. 328 (1979), = 166-172.=20
  5. A = General=20 Ramsey Product Theorem, (with J.H. Spencer), Proc. Amer.=20 Math. Soc. 73 (1979), 137-139.=20
  6. Report = of the=20 Session on Complexity of Combinatorial Problems, (with D. = Hausmann,=20 Editorial Associate), Annals of Dis. Math 4 = (1979),=20 175-176.=20
  7. Maximum = Antichains of Rectangular Arrays, (with G.W. Peck), Jour. Comb.=20 Theory (A) 27 (1979), 397-400.=20
  8. Minimal=20 Decompositions of Two Graphs into Pairwise Isomorphic Subgraphs, = (with=20 F.R.K. Chung, P. Erdos, S.M. Ulam and F.F. Yao), Proc. 10th S-E Conf. on=20 Comb., Graph Theory and Comp., Congressus Numerantium 23 = (1979),=20 3-18.=20
  9. Old=20 and New Problems and Results in Combinatorial Number Theory: van der = Waerden's=20 Theorem and Related Topics, (with P. Erdos),=20 L'Enseignement Math. 25 (1979), 325-344.=20
  10. On = the=20 Product of the Point and Line Covering Numbers of a Graph, (with = F.R.K.=20 Chung and P. Erdos), Proc. 2nd Int'l Conf. = on Comb.=20 Math., Annals of N.Y. Acad. Sci. 319 (1979), 597-602.=20
  11. Combi= natorial=20 designs related to the strong perfect graph conjecture, (with V. = Chvatal,=20 A.F. Perold, and S.H. Whitesides), Discrete Mathematics=20 26 (1979), 83-92.

1978  Back to top
  1. Spectra = of=20 Numbers, (with S. Lin and C.-S. Lin), Math.=20 Mag. 51 (1978), 174-176.=20
  2. Ramse= y=20 Theory, (with B.L. Rothschild), Studies in=20 Comb., G.-G. Rota ed., Math. Assoc. of Amer., 17 (1978), = 80-99.=20
  3. Performa= nce=20 Guarantees for Scheduling Algorithms, (with M.R. Garey and D.S. = Johnson), Oper. Research 26 (1978), = 3-21.=20
  4. On = Graphs=20 which Contain All Small Trees, (with F.R.K. Chung), Jour.=20 Comb. Theory (B) 24 (1978), 14-23.=20
  5. Ste= iner=20 Trees for Ladders, (with F.R.K. Chung), Annals = Disc.=20 Math. 2 (1978), 173-200.=20
  6. Answ= ering=20 Rota's Question, Enc. Britannica Yearbook of Science and the=20 Future, (1978), 537.
  7. The=20 Combinatorial Mathematics of Scheduling, Scientific = American=20 238 (1978), 124-132.
  8. The=20 Number of Baxter Permutations, (with F.R.K. Chung, V.E. Hoggatt, = Jr. and=20 M. Kleiman), Jour. Comb. = Theory=20 (A) 24 (1978), 382-394.=20
  9. Dist= ance=20 Matrix Polynomials of Trees, (with L. Lovasz), Th. and=20 Application of Graphs, Lectures Notes in Math. Series, (1978), pp. = 186-190. Also a Fre= nch=20 translation appears in Colloq. Int. C.N.R.S. Problems = Combinatories et=20 Theorie des Graphs, 189-190.=20
  10. Complexit= y=20 Results for Bandwidth Minimization, (with M.R. Garey, D.S. = Johnson, and=20 D.E. Knuth), SIAM J. Appl.=20 Math. 34 (1978), 477-495.=20
  11. Add= ition=20 Chains with Multiplicative Cost, (with A.C.-C. Yao and F.-F. Yao), = Disc. Math. 23 (1978), 115-119.=20
  12. = Distance=20 Matrix Polynomials of Trees, (with L. Lovasz), Adv. in=20 Math. 29 (1978), 60-88.=20
  13. On=20 Subgraph Number Independence in Trees, (with E. Szemeredi), Jour. Comb. Theory (B) 24 (1978), 213-222.=20
  14. Maximum = Antichains in the Partition Lattice, Math. Intelligencer = 1=20 (1978) 84-86.
  15. Combinatorial=20 Scheduling Theory, Mathematics Today: Twelve Informal = Essays,=20 Springer-Verlag, N.Y. (1978), 183-211.

1977  Back to top
  1. On = the=20 Distance Matrix of a Directed Graph, (with A.J. Hoffman and H. = Hosoya), Jour. Graph Theory 1 = (1977), 85-88.=20
  2. The= =20 Complexity of Computing Steiner Minimal Trees, (with M.R. Garey = and D.S.=20 Johnson), SIAM J. Appl. Math. = 32=20 (1977), 835-859.=20
  3. The=20 Limits of Computation, (with M.R. Garey), Encyclopedia=20 Britannica Yearbook of Science and the Future, (1977), 172-185.=20
  4. Spearman'= s=20 Footrule as a Measure of Disarray, (with P. Diaconis),=20 Jour. Royal Statis. Soc. Series B, 39 = (1977),=20 262-268.=20
  5. On= =20 Extremal Density Theorems for Linear Forms, (with H.S. = Witsenhausen and=20 J.H. Spencer), Number Theory and = Algebra,=20 Acad. Press, Inc., (1977), 103-109.=20
  6. On=20 Permutations Containing No Long Arithmetic Progressions, (with = J.A. Davis,=20 R.C. Entringer, and G.J. Simmons), Acta Arith. 34=20 (1977), 81-90.

1976  Back to top
  1. Some = NP-Complete Geometric Problems, (with M.R. Garey and D.S. = Johnson), Proc. 8th Annual ACM Symp. on = Th. of=20 Comp. (1976), 10-22.=20
  2. On = Graphs=20 Which Contain All Small Trees, II, (with F.R.K. Chung and N. = Pippenger), Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos = Bolyai,=20 18 (1976), 213-223.=20
  3. B= ounds=20 on the Performance of Scheduling Algorithms, Computer and = Job-Shop=20 Scheduling Theory, E.G. Coffman, ed., John Wiley and Sons, N.Y., = (1976),=20 165-227.
  4. On = the=20 Distance Matrix of a Tree, (with M. Edelberg and M.R. Garey), Disc. Math. 14 (1976), 23-39. =
  5. On the = Set of=20 Distances Determined by the Union of Arithmetic Progressions, = (with F.R.K.=20 Chung), Ars Comb. 1 (1976), 57-76.=20
  6. On = Addressing=20 Graphs which Have Simple Skeletons, (with S. Chevion),=20 Nanta Math. 11 (1976), 1-6.=20
  7. On = the=20 Permanent of Schur's Matrix, (with D.H. Lehmer), Jour.=20 Australian Math. Soc. 21 (series A) (1976), 487-497.=20
  8. Resourc= e=20 Constrained Scheduling as Generalized Bin Packing, (with M.R. = Garey, D.S.=20 Johnson and A.C.-C. Yao), Jour.=20 Comb. Theory (A) 21 (1976), 257-298.=20
  9. On = the Prime=20 Factors of ${n \choose k}$, (with P. Erdos), Fib.=20 Quart. 14 (1976), 348-352.=20
  10. A = Remark on=20 Steiner Minimal Trees, (with F.K. Hwang), Bull. = Inst.=20 Math. Acad. Sinica, Taiwan 4 (1976), 177-182.=20
  11. On A = Number-Theoretic Bin Packing Conjecture, (with M.R. Garey and D.S. = Johnson), Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos = Bolyai=20 18 (1976), 377-392.=20
  12. = On=20 Products of Factorials, (with P. Erdos), Bull. = Inst. Math.=20 Acad. Sinica, Taiwan 4 (1976), 337-355.

1975  Back to top
  1. On=20 Cubical Graphs, (with M.R. Garey), Jour. Comb. = Theory=20 (B) 18 (1975), 84-95.=20
  2. The=20 Largest Small Hexagon, Jour. Comb. Theory (A) 18 = (1975),=20 165-170.
  3. On = the prime=20 factors of ${2n \choose n}$, (with P. Erdos, I.Z. Ruzsa and E.G. = Straus), Math. Comp. = 29 (1975),=20 83-92.=20
  4. Boun= ds for=20 Multiprocessor Scheduling with Resource Constraints, (with M.R. = Garey), SIAM J. Comp. 4 (1975), 187-200.=20
  5. On = Multicolor=20 Ramsey Numbers for Complete Bipartite Graphs, (with F.R.K. Chung), = Jour. Comb. Theory (B) 18 (1975), 164-169.=20
  6. On=20 Packing Squares with Equal Squares, (with P. Erdos), Jour.=20 Comb. Theory (A) 19 (1975), 119-123.=20
  7. On = Sparse=20 Graphs with Dense Long Paths, (with P. Erdos, and E. Szemeredi), = Comp. and Math. with Appls. 1 = (1975), 365-369.=20
  8. Some = Recent=20 Developments in Ramsey Theory, (with B.L. Rothschild),=20 Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute on = Combinatorics,=20 Nijenrode Castle, Math. Centre Tracts (1975), 261-276. =

1974  Back to top
  1. A = Short=20 Proof of Van Der Waerden's Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions, = (with B.L.=20 Rothschild), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. = 42=20 (1974), 385-386.=20
  2. Are = There=20 n+2 Points in E^n with Odd Integral Distances?, = (with B.L.=20 Rothschild and E.G. Straus), Amer. = Math.=20 Monthly 81 (1974), 21-25.=20
  3. Performan= ce=20 Bounds on the Splitting Algorithm for Binary Testing, (with M.R. = Garey), Acta Informatica 3 (1974), = 347-355.=20
  4. Worst-Case=20 Performance Bounds for Simple One-Dimensional Packing Algorithms, = (with=20 D.S. Johnson, A. Demers, J.D. Ullman, and M.R. Garey), SIAM J. = Comp.=20 3 (1974), 299-325.

1973  Back to top
  1. In= creasing=20 Paths in Edge Ordered Graphs, (with D.J. Kleitman),=20 Periodica Math. Hungarica 3 (1-2) = (1973),=20 141-148.=20
  2. = Euclidean=20 Ramsey Theorems. I, (with P. Erdos, P. Montgomery, B.L. = Rothschild, J.=20 Spencer, and E.G. Straus), Jour.=20 Comb. Theory 14 (1973), 341-363.=20
  3. Covering = the=20 Positive Integers by Disjoint Sets of the Form {nα+β: = n=3D1,2,...}, Jour. Comb. Theory 15 (1973), = 354-358.
  4. Euclidean=20 Ramsey Theorems, II, (with P. Erdos, P. Montgomery, B.L. = Rothschild, J.=20 Spencer and E.G. Straus), Colloq.=20 Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 10 (1973), 529-557.=20
  5. On= =20 Partition Theorems for Finite Graphs, (with P. Erdos),=20 Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 10 (1973), = 515-527.=20
  6. Euclidean=20 Ramsey Theorems, III, (with P. Erdos, P. Montgomery, B.L. = Rothschild, J.=20 Spencer, and E.G. Straus), Colloq.=20 Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 10 (1973), 559-583.=20
  7. Bounds = on=20 Scheduling with Limited Resources, (with M.R. Garey),=20 Proc. 4th ACM Symp. Oper. Sys. Principles, = (1973),=20 104-111.=20
  8. An=20 Analysis of Some Packing Algorithms, (with M.R. Garey and J.D. = Ullman), Comb. Algorithms, ed. R. = Rustin,=20 Algorithmic Press, (1973), 39-48.

1972  Back to top
  1. On a = Linear=20 Diophantine Problem of Frobenius, (with P. Erdos), Acta=20 Arithmetica 21 (1972), 399-408.=20
  2. On=20 Embedding Graphs in Squashed Cubes, (with H.O. Pollak),=20 Graph Theory and Appl., Lecture Notes in Math. = 303,=20 Springer-Verlag, (1972), 99-110.=20
  3. R= amsey's=20 Theorem for a Class of Categories, (with K. Leeb and B.L. = Rothschild), Proc. of the Natl Acad. of = Sci. 69=20 (1972), 119-120.=20
  4. Opti= mal=20 Scheduling for Two-Processor Systems, (with E.G. Coffman, Jr.), Acta Informatica 1 (1972), 200-213.=20
  5. Boun= ds on=20 Multiprocessing Anomalies and Related Packing Algorithms, Proc. = AFIPS-Conf. 40 (1972), 205-217.
  6. Review= of=20 Principles of Combinatorics by C. Berge, SIAM Review = 14=20 (1972), 344-346.
  7. On = Sums of=20 Fibonacci Numbers, (with P. Erdos), Fib. = Quart.=20 10 (1972), 249-254.=20
  8. Complem= ents=20 and Transitive Closures, (with D.E. Knuth and T.S. Motzkin), Disc. Math. 2 (1972), 17-29.=20
  9. R= amsey's=20 Theorem for a Class of Categories, (with K.=20 Leeb and B.L. Rothschild), Adv. in Math. 8 (1972) = 417-433.=20 Ramsey's Theorem for a Class of Categories (Errata), (with K. Leeb and = B.L.=20 Rothschild), Adv. in Math. 10 (1973), 326-327. Reprinte= d with=20 corrections in Classic Papers in Combinatorics, I. Gessel = and G.-C.=20 Rota, eds. Birkhauser, Boston, (1987), 431-445.=20
  10. An = Efficient=20 Algorithm for Determining the Convex Hull of a Finite Planar Set, = Info.=20 Proc. Letters 1 (1972), 132-133.
  11. On = Highly=20 Non-Associative Groupoids, (with J.H. Folkman), Colloq.=20 Math. 25 (1972), 1-10.=20
  12. On = Tightest=20 Packings in the Minkowski Plane, (with H.S. Witsenhausen and H.J.=20 Zassenhaus), Pac. Jour. of = Math.=20 41 (1972), 699-715.=20
  13. A = Simpler=20 Counterexample to the Reconstruction Conjecture for Denumerable = Graphs,=20 (with J. Fisher and F. Harary), Jour. = Comb.=20 Theory 12 (1972), 203-204.=20
  14. Worst = Case=20 Analysis of Memory Allocation Algorithms, (with M.R. Garey and = J.D.=20 Ullman), Proc. Fourth ACM Symp. on = Th. of=20 Comp., (1972) 143-150.

1971  Back to top
  1. On = Small=20 Graphs with Forced Monochromatic Triangles, (with J.H. Spencer), = Recent Trends in Graph Th., Springer Lecture Notes = in=20 Mathematics, 86 (1971), 137-141.=20
  2. A = Constructive=20 Solution to a Tournament Problem, (with J.H. Spencer),=20 Canad. Math. Bull. 14 (1971), 45-48.=20
  3. Ro= ta's=20 Geometric Analogue to Ramsey's Theorem, (with B.L. Rothschild), Proc. of Amer. Math. Soc. Symp. in Pure Math.=20 19 (1971), 101-104.=20
  4. Ramsey's = Theorem=20 for n-Parameter Sets, (with B.L. Rothschild),=20 Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 159 (1971), = 257-292.=20
  5. On = the=20 Addressing Problem for Loop Switching, (with H.O. Pollak),=20 Bell Sys. Tech. Jour. 50 (1971), = 2495-2519.=20
  6. A = Survey of=20 Finite Ramsey Theorems, (with B.L. Rothschild),=20 Proc. 2nd Louisiana State Univ. Conf. on Comb., = Graph=20 Th. and Comp., (1971), 21-40.=20
  7. On=20 Sorting by Comparisons, Computers in No. Th., Proc. of the Sci. = Res., (1971), 263-269.
  8. On = Sums of=20 Integers Taken from a Fixed Sequence, Proc. Wash. State Univ. = Conf. on=20 Number Theory, (1971), 22-40.

1970  Back to top
  1. Irre= gularities=20 in the Distributions of Finite Sequences, (with E.R. Berlekamp), = Jour. Num. Th. 2 (1970), 152-161.=20
  2. Note = on a=20 Nonlinear Recurrence Related to √2, (with H.O. Pollak),=20 Math. Mag. 43 (1970), 143-145.=20
  3. A=20 Mathematical Study of a Model of Magnetic Domain Interactions, = Bell=20 Sys. Tech. Jour. 49 (1970), 1627-1644.=20
  4. On= =20 Primitive Graphs and Optimal Vertex Assignments, Annals. N.Y. = Acad.=20 Sci., Int. Conf. Comb. Math., 175 (1970), 170-186.
  5. On=20 Subtrees of Directed Graphs with No Path of Length Exceeding One,=20 Canad. Math. Bull. 13 (1970), 329-332.
  6. On a = Class of=20 Equivalent Linear and Nonlinear Integer Programming Problems, = (with S.A.=20 Burr), Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai, Proc. Symp. = on Comb.=20 Th. and its Appl., Balatonfured (1970), 199-211.=20
  7. Ramsey'= s=20 Theorem for N-Parameter Sets: An Outline, (with B. L. = Rothschild), Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai, = Proc. Symp. on Comb.=20 Th. and its Appl., Balatonfured (1970), 531-552. =

1969  Back to top
  1. On = Finite=20 0-Simple Semigroups and Graph Theory, Math. Sys. Th. = 2=20 (1969), 325-339.
  2. Bou= nds on=20 Multiprocessing Timing Anomalies, SIAM Jour. Appl. Math. = 17=20 (1969), 416-429.
  3. Ramse= y's=20 Theorem for n-Dimensional Arrays, (with B.L. Rothschild), Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 75 (1969), 418-422. =
  4. An=20 Irreducibility Criterion for Polynomials over the Integers, (with = W.S.=20 Brown), Amer. Math. Monthly 76 (1969), = 795-797.=20
  5. U= niversal=20 Single Transition Time Asynchronous State Assignments, (with A.D. = Friedman=20 and J.D. Ullman), IEEE Trans. on=20 Computers C-18 (1969), 541-547.=20
  6. Adding = Two=20 Information Symbols to Certain Nonbinary BCH Codes and Some = Applications=20 (Appendix), (with J.K. Wolf), Bell Sys. Tech. = Jour.=20 48 (1969), 2405-2424.=20
  7. Some = Results on=20 Matching in Bipartite Graphs, (with L.H. Harper),=20 SIAM Jour. Appl. Math. 17 (1969), = 1017-1022.=20
  8. A=20 Packing Inequality for Compact Convex Subsets of the Plane, (with = J.H.=20 Folkman), Canad. Math. Bull. 12 (1969), = 745-752.=20

1968  Back to top
  1. On=20 the Distribution of nθ Modulo 1, (with J.H. van Lint), = Canad. Jour. of Math. 20 (1968), = 1020-1024.=20
  2. Maximal = Subsemigroups of Finite Semigroups, (with N. Graham and J. = Rhodes), Jour. Comb. Th. 4 = (1968), 203-209.=20
  3. An=20 Upper Bound on the Minimum Distance for a k-ary Code, (with = A.D.=20 Wyner), Inf. and Control 13 (1968), 46-52. =
  4. On = Edgewise=20 2-Colored Graphs with Monochromatic Triangles and Containing no = Complete=20 Hexagon, Jour. Comb. Th. 4 (1968), 300.=20

1967  Back to top
  1. On=20 Partitions of an Equilateral Triangle, Canad. Jour. of = Math.=20 19 (1967), 394-409.=20
  2. On=20 n-valued Functionally Complete Truth Functions, Jour. = Symb.=20 Logic 32 (1967), 190-195.

1966  Back to top
  1. On = Partitions=20 of a Finite Set, Jour. Comb. Th. 1 (1966), 215-223. =
  2. On the=20 Number of Information Symbols in Difference-Set Cyclic Codes, = (with F.J.=20 MacWilliams), Bell Sys. Tech. Jour. = 45=20 (1966), 1057-1070.=20
  3. The = Solution of=20 a Certain Recurrence, (with J. Riordan), Amer. = Math.=20 Monthly 73 (1966), 604-608.=20
  4. Bou= nds for=20 Certain Multiprocessing Anomalies, Bell Sys. Tech. Jour. = 45=20 (1966), 1563-1581.

1965  Back to top
  1. On= the=20 Decomposition of Lattice-Periodic Functions, Bell Sys. Tech. = Jour.=20 44 (1965), 1191-1214.

1964  Back to top
  1. On = Finite=20 Sums of Unit Fractions, Proc. London Math. Soc. 14 = (1964),=20 193-207.
  2. On a=20 Conjecture of Erdos in Additive Number Theory, Acta Arith.=20 10 (1964), 63-70.
  3. On = Quadruples=20 of Consecutive kth Power Residues, Proc. Amer. Math. = Soc.=20 15 (1964), 196-197.
  4. Complete= =20 Sequences of Polynomial Values, Duke Math. Jour. 31 = (1964),=20 275-286.
  5. A=20 Property of Fibonacci Numbers, Fib. Quart. 2 (1964), = 1-10.
  6. A=20 Fibonacci-Like Sequence of Composite Numbers, Math. Mag., 37 = (1964),=20 322-324.
  7. On = Finite Sums=20 of Reciprocals of Distinct nth Powers, Pac. Jour. of Math., = 14=20 (1964), 85-92.

1963  Back to top
  1. On=20 a Theorem of Uspensky, Amer. Math. Monthly 70 = (1963),=20 407-409.=20
  2. A = Theorem on=20 Partitions, Jour. Australian Math. Soc. 3 (1963), = 435-441.=20
  3. A=20 Combinatorial Theorem for Partial Sums, Ann. Math. Stats. = 34=20 (1963), 1600-1602.

Patents  Back to top
  1. Method of=20 identifying conductors in a cable by establishing conductor connection = groupings at both ends of the cable, (with K.C. Knowlton), US = Patent=20 3,369,177; filed Oct. 15, 1965; awarded Feb. 13, 1968.=20
  2. Interconnection=20 architecture and method of assessing interconnection architecture = , (with=20 C.-K. Cheng, E. Cheng, H. Chen, and B. Yao), US Patent 7,622,779; = filed on=20 Sep. 9, 2003; awarded Nov. 24, 2009.

Technical Memorandums  Back to top
  1. Sequent= ial=20 generation by transpositions of all the arrangments of n = symbols,=20 (with A.J. Goldstein), filed June 9, 1964, 11 pp.

Profiles  Back to top
  1. Ronal= d L.=20 Graham, (written by G.B. Kolata), Science Year: 1981, World = Book,=20 372-387.=20
  2. Ronald=20 L. Graham, (written by B. Schecter), Mathematical People: = Profiles and=20 Interviews, Birkhauser (1985), 110-117.=20
  3. Rona= ld L.=20 Graham, (written by J. Bernstein), Three Degrees Above Zero: = Bell Labs=20 in the Information Age, Charles Scribner's Sons (1984), 15-27.=20
  4. A=20 Nice Genius, (written by Donald J. Albers), Math Horizons, = November=20 1996, 18-23.=20
  5. The=20 Eureka Moment, (written by J.R. Goldberg), Science Digest, = January=20 1985, 64-65, 81.=20
  6. Juggl= ing=20 Act, (written by J. Horgan), Scientific American, March = 1997,=20 21-22.=20
  7. The = Peripatetic Number Juggler, (written by B. Schechter), = Discover,=20 October 1982, 44-47, 50-52.=20
  8. You can = count on=20 him, (written by B.V. Bigelow), The San Diego = Union-Tribune, March=20 18, 2003, E1,E5.=20
  9. Fa= culty=20 profile, UC San Diego Engineering, Fall 1998, 6.=20
  10. A = "hands-on"=20 approach to mathematics, (written by P. Orel), Rutgers = Focus,=20 September 30, 1994, 3.=20
  11. Mat= h in=20 motion, (written by J. McGrady), Vanguard (student = newspaper for=20 Portland State University), May 19, 2006, pps. 1, 3.=20
  12. Interview = with=20 professor Ronald Graham, Quantum (in Russian), April 1988, 21-26.=20
  13. Ronald=20 Graham, (written by B. Allstetter), Rutgers (alumni = publication for=20 Rutgers University), Spring 1990, 31-33.=20
  14. Plenty of = Balls in=20 the Air; A world-class mathematician and sometime performer with = Cirque du=20 Soleil, professor Ronald Graham says juggling and math have more in = common=20 than one might think, (written by K.C. Cole), Los Angeles = Times,=20 May 20, 1999.

Miscellaneous  Back to top
  1. Nominat= ion for=20 Ronald L. Graham for AMS President, (written by G.-C. Rota), = Notices of=20 the AMS (1991).=20
  2. Steel= e prize=20 for lifetime achievement, Notices of the AMS, April 2003, 465-466. =
  3. Extract from The = Meaning of=20 Life, edited by D. Friend, LIFE, 1991, 126.=20
  4. Does=20 Brain Exercise Work?, (written by G. Kolota), Reader's Digest, = February=20 1993, 108-110.=20
  5. Extract from Guinne= ss Book=20 of World Records: 1991, Bantam Books, 185.=20
  6. Extract from Circus=20 science, (written by P. Hoffman and D.H. Freedman), = Discover,=20 February 1996, 6, 60-61.=20
  7. Extract from The = Penguin Book=20 of Curious and Interesting Numbers, (written by D. Wells), = Penguin, 1986,=20 209-210.=20
  8. Myst= ery=20 tiles at Murray Hill, (written by M. Gardner), Puzzles from = Other=20 Worlds, Vintage Books, New York, 1984, 29-32. (Note: this is a=20 quasi-fictional work, so Graham's tile has not yet been discovered.)=20
  9. Ron = Graham=20 Celebration: A Magical Day, pertains to the end of Ron's career at = Bell=20 labs, includes biographical sketch by L. Rabiner.=20
  10. A = brief=20 survey of combinatorics, (written with P. Frankl), unpublished = manuscript.=20 [Originally written to be included as an article in the 1992 = Encyclopeida=20 Britannica. Missing page 35.]=20
  11. The = Odd=20 Couple, (written by C. Merow), from PCTM Magazine.=20
  12. Cirque = du Soleil's=20 magic based in math, (reported by A. Kellan, correspondent for = CNN).=20
  13. Geometric = Design -=20 House of the Year, (written by M. Raftery), Decor & Style = Magazine.=20
  14. Keeping = them up=20 in the air, (written by M. Wellemeyer), FORTUNE, December 17, = 1979,=20 25-26,30,32.=20
  15. A=20 professional mathematician, a mini profile that appeared in = Algebra: An=20 Integrated Approach by J. Benson et al., McDougal, Littell & = Company,=20 1991.=20
  16. Be there=20 and be square (written by E. Brown), WIRED, June, 2006. =

Coauthors  Back to top
  1. Alphabetically:
    Jin=20 Akiyama, Yousef=20 Alavi, Boris=20 Alexeev, Noga=20 Alon, Laszlo=20 Babai, Elwyn=20 R. Berlekamp, Marshall=20 W. Bern, Ranjita=20 Bhagwan, David=20 W. Boll, Bela=20 Bollobas, Tom=20 C. Brown, W.=20 Stanley Brown, Joe=20 Buhler, Stefan=20 A. Burr, Steve=20 Butler, Robert=20 Calderbank, Gary=20 T. Chartrand, Hongyu=20 Chen, Chung-Kuan=20 Cheng, Esther=20 Y. Cheng, Shlomit=20 Chevion, Phyllis=20 Z. Chinn, Nan-Chi=20 Chou, Dean=20 Chung, Fan=20 Chung, Vaclav=20 (Vasek) Chvatal, Anders=20 Claesson, Joel=20 E. Cohen, Ernest=20 J. Cockayne, Edward=20 G. Coffman, Jr., Joshua=20 N. Cooper, Donald=20 Coppersmith, Kevin=20 Costello, James=20 A. Davis, Warwick=20 de Launey, Erik=20 Demaine, Alan=20 J. Demers, Walter=20 A. Deuber, Ding-Zhu=20 Du, Persi=20 Diaconis, Jerry=20 Donovan, Mark=20 Dukes, Murray=20 Edelberg, David=20 Eisenbud, Roger=20 C. Entringer, Paul=20 Erdos, Ze=20 Feng, Peter=20 C. Fishburn, Joshua=20 Fisher, Jon=20 H. Folkman, Leslie=20 R. Foulds, Jacob=20 Fox, Peter=20 Frankl, Arthur=20 D. Friedman, Zoltan=20 Furedi, Biao=20 Gao, Martin=20 Gardner, Michael=20 R. Garey, Mark=20 Garrett, Edgar=20 N. Gilbert, Solomon=20 W. Golomb, Nancy=20 Young Graham, Gerhard=20 Guettler, Frank=20 Harary, Lawrence=20 H. Harper, D.=20 Hausmann, Pavol=20 Hell, David=20 V. Hinkley, Alan=20 J. Hoffman, Verner=20 Emil Hoggatt, Jr., Susan=20 P. Holmes, Haruo=20 Hosoya, Yuanfang=20 Hu, Mike=20 Hutton, Frank=20 Kwangming Hwang, Peter=20 W. M. John, David=20 S. Johnson, Mark=20 Kleiman, Daniel=20 J. Kleitman, Don=20 Knuth, Steven=20 Krantz, Miklos=20 Laczkovich, Bruce=20 M. Landman, Tom=20 Leighton, Jeffrey=20 C. Lagarias, Eugene=20 L. Lawler, Klaus=20 Leeb, Derrick=20 H. Lehmer, Jan=20 Karel Lenstra, Minming=20 Li, Shuo-Yen=20 Robert Li, Wen-Ching=20 Winnie Li, Chio=20 Shih Lin, Shen=20 Lin, Zi-Cheng=20 Liu, Laszlo=20 Lovasz, Linyuan=20 Lu, Boris=20 D. Lubachevsky, Tomasz=20 Luczak, F.=20 Jessie MacWilliams, Colin=20 Mallows, Jia=20 Mao, Donald=20 J. Miller, Peter=20 L. Montgomery, John=20 Morrison, Theodore=20 S. Motzkin, Jaroslav=20 Nesetril, Hung=20 Quang Ngo, Kari=20 J. Nurmela, Kevin=20 O'Bryant, Andrew=20 Odlyzko, Ortrud=20 R. Oellermann, Patric=20 R. J. Ostergard, Panos=20 M. Pardalos, R.=20 L. Parker, Oren=20 Patashnik, Jerome=20 L. Paul, Andre=20 F. Perold, Nicholas=20 J. Pippenger, Henry=20 O. Pollak, G.=20 A. Prieto, Hans=20 Jurgen Promel, George=20 Purdy, James=20 Randi, Peter=20 Renz, John=20 Rhodes, Alexander=20 H. G. Rinnooy Kan, John=20 Riordan, Vojtech=20 Rodl, Bruce=20 Rothschild, Andrzej=20 Rucinski, Imre=20 Z. Ruzsa, Michael=20 Ezra Saks, Stefan=20 Savage, Paul=20 D. Seymour, David=20 Shallcross, James=20 B. Shearer, Larry=20 Shepp, Sheng=20 Shi, Miklos=20 Simonovits, Gustavus=20 J. Simons, Neil=20 J. A. Sloane, Raymond=20 Smullyan, Jozsef=20 Solymosi, Vera=20 T. Sos, Joel=20 Spencer, Frank=20 H. Stillinger, Ernst=20 Gabor Straus, Bernd=20 Sturmfels, Endre=20 Szemeredi, Tomohiro=20 Tachi, Betty=20 Tang, Herbert=20 Taylor, D.=20 J. Thomson, Eric=20 Tressler, Stanislaw=20 Marcin Ulam, Jeffrey=20 D. Ullman, Jacobus=20 H. van Lint, George=20 Varghese, F.=20 L. Vernon, Geoffrey=20 M. Voelker, Bernd=20 Voigt, Peng-Jun=20 Wan, Renshen=20 Wang, Doug=20 West, Sue=20 H. Whitesides, Allan=20 R. Wilks, Richard=20 M. Wilson, Peter=20 M. Winkler, Hans=20 S. Witsenhausen, Jack=20 K. Wolf, Colin=20 Wright, Weili=20 Wu, Aaron=20 D. Wyner, Catherine=20 H. Yan, Andrew=20 Yao, Bo=20 Yao, Frances=20 F. Yao, Shing-Tung=20 Yau, Evangeline=20 F. Y. Young, Nan=20 Zang, Hans=20 J. Zassenhaus, Yulei=20 Zhang, Wenbo=20 Zhao, Feng=20 Zhou, Shuo=20 Zhou, Haikin=20 Zhu, Yi=20 Zhu=20
  2. By number of joint publications:
    1. Fan=20 Chung=20
    2. Paul=20 Erdos=20
    3. Persi=20 Diaconis=20
    4. Steve=20 Butler Michael=20 R. Garey, Bruce=20 Rothschild=20
    5. Peter=20 Frankl=20
    6. Vojtech=20 Rodl, Joel=20 Spencer=20
    7. Chung-Kuan=20 Cheng=20
    8. Boris=20 D. Lubachevsky, Frances=20 F. Yao=20
    9. Andrew=20 Yao=20
    10. Joe=20 Buhler, Ding-Zhu=20 Du, David=20 S. Johnson, Colin=20 Mallows=20
    11. Jia=20 Mao, Neil=20 J. A. Sloane=20
    12. Don=20 Knuth, Wen-Ching=20 Winnie Li, Ernst=20 Gabor Straus, Catherine=20 H. Yan=20
    13. Stefan=20 A. Burr, Jeffrey=20 C. Lagarias, Andrzej=20 Rucinski, Jeffrey=20 D. Ullman, Allan=20 R. Wilks, Bo=20 Yao, Nan=20 Zang=20
    14. Hongyu=20 Chen, Peter=20 C. Fishburn, Biao=20 Gao, Minming=20 Li, Peter=20 L. Montgomery, Jaroslav=20 Nesetril, Henry=20 O. Pollak, Peng-Jun=20 Wan, Peter=20 M. Winkler=20
    15. Jin=20 Akiyama, Noga=20 Alon, Tom=20 C. Brown, Esther=20 Y. Cheng, Nan-Chi=20 Chou, Vaclav=20 (Vasek) Chvatal, Ze=20 Feng, Jon=20 H. Folkman, Leslie=20 R. Foulds, Zoltan=20 Furedi, Gerhard=20 Guettler, Yuanfang=20 Hu, Frank=20 Kwangming Hwang, Daniel=20 J. Kleitman, Tom=20 Leighton, Klaus=20 Leeb, Laszlo=20 Lovasz, Linyuan=20 Lu, John=20 Morrison, Hung=20 Quang Ngo, Kevin=20 O'Bryant, Jerome=20 L. Paul, Andre=20 F. Perold, Imre=20 Z. Ruzsa, Michael=20 Ezra Saks, James=20 B. Shearer, Jozsef=20 Solymosi, Vera=20 T. Sos, Endre=20 Szemeredi, Herbert=20 Taylor, Eric=20 Tressler, George=20 Varghese, Renshen=20 Wang, Sue=20 H. Whitesides, Richard=20 M. Wilson, Hans=20 S. Witsenhausen, Evangeline=20 F. Y. Young, Yulei=20 Zhang, Feng=20 Zhou, Haikin=20 Zhu, Yi=20 Zhu=20
    16. Yousef=20 Alavi, Boris=20 Alexeev, Laszlo=20 Babai, Elwyn=20 R. Berlekamp, Marshall=20 W. Bern, Ranjita=20 Bhagwan, David=20 W. Boll, Bela=20 Bollobas, W.=20 Stanley Brown, Robert=20 Calderbank, Gary=20 T. Chartrand, Shlomit=20 Chevion, Phyllis=20 Z. Chinn, Dean=20 Chung, Anders=20 Claesson, Joel=20 E. Cohen, Ernest=20 J. Cockayne, Edward=20 G. Coffman, Jr., Joshua=20 N. Cooper, Donald=20 Coppersmith, Kevin=20 Costello, James=20 A. Davis, Warwick=20 de Launey, Erik=20 Demaine, Alan=20 J. Demers, Walter=20 A. Deuber, Jerry=20 Donovan, Mark=20 Dukes, Murray=20 Edelberg, David=20 Eisenbud, Roger=20 C. Entringer, Joshua=20 Fisher, Jacob=20 Fox, Arthur=20 D. Friedman, Martin=20 Gardner, Mark=20 Garrett, Edgar=20 N. Gilbert, Solomon=20 W. Golomb, Nancy=20 Young Graham, Frank=20 Harary, Lawrence=20 H. Harper, D.=20 Hausmann, Pavol=20 Hell, David=20 V. Hinkley, Alan=20 J. Hoffman, Verner=20 Emil Hoggatt, Jr., Susan=20 P. Holmes, Haruo=20 Hosoya, Mike=20 Hutton, Peter=20 W. M. John, Mark=20 Kleiman, Steven=20 Krantz, Miklos=20 Laczkovich, Bruce=20 M. Landman, Eugene=20 L. Lawler, Derrick=20 H. Lehmer, Jan=20 Karel Lenstra, Shuo-Yen=20 Robert Li, Chio=20 Shih Lin, Shen=20 Lin, Zi-Cheng=20 Liu, Tomasz=20 Luczak, F.=20 Jessie MacWilliams, Donald=20 J. Miller, Theodore=20 S. Motzkin, Kari=20 J. Nurmela, Andrew=20 Odlyzko, Ortrud=20 R. Oellermann, Patric=20 R. J. Ostergard, Panos=20 M. Pardalos, R.=20 L. Parker, Oren=20 Patashnik, Nicholas=20 J. Pippenger, G.=20 A. Prieto, Hans=20 Jurgen Promel, George=20 Purdy, James=20 Randi, Peter=20 Renz, John=20 Rhodes, Alexander=20 H. G. Rinnooy Kan, John=20 Riordan, Stefan=20 Savage, Paul=20 D. Seymour, David=20 Shallcross, Larry=20 Shepp, Sheng=20 Shi, Miklos=20 Simonovits, Gustavus=20 J. Simons, Raymond=20 Smullyan, Frank=20 H. Stillinger, Bernd=20 Sturmfels, Tomohiro=20 Tachi, Betty=20 Tang, D.=20 J. Thomson, Stanislaw=20 Marcin Ulam, Jacobus=20 H. van Lint, F.=20 L. Vernon, Geoffrey=20 M. Voelker, Bernd=20 Voigt, Doug=20 West, Jack=20 K. Wolf, Colin=20 Wright, Weili=20 Wu, Aaron=20 D. Wyner, Shing-Tung=20 Yau, Hans=20 J. Zassenhaus, Wenbo=20 Zhao, Shuo=20 Zhou

Page maintained by Steve Butler = with search=20 implemented by Jake Wildstrom
Last updated 5 April = 2011=20