*** Release Notes for Malom 1.1.0 *** /2018. March 29./ - The major new feature is the position setup mode: You can set up an arbitrary position directly (without playing to it from the starting position). This is useful if you would like to analyze a specific position. (Game menu -> Set Up Position) - By default, the computer player is now set to “Combined” instead of “Perfect”, where the heuristic AI and the database-based AI work together. (This is better than just the database-based AI alone, in that it is harder to achieve a draw against it.) (Note: the heuristic AI is available only for the standard game variant.) - Automatically fall back to the heuristic AI when the database is not found at program startup. - The Advisor now shows the optimal moves better, by drawing a yellow line for sliding and jumping moves. In the old version, the Advisor highlighted only the target squares, but now you can also see which stones to move. - The Advisor now highlights optimal stone-taking moves as well. - Improved some texts on the GUI. - The program no longer exits when answering “no” to the message box at the end of a game. Minor improvements: - “Combined” player moves immediately when there is only one optimal move. - Show perfect evaluation in stone taking positions as well. - Added option for whether to show the number of moves since the last irreversible move (related to the automatic draw in 50 irreversible moves rule) in the status bar. - Made the hard limit of thinking time a factor of the soft limit in the heuristic AI. (In the old version the hard limit was hardcoded to 8 seconds, now it is 10*soft+0.2 seconds.) - Better error handling. - Minor adjustments to the board drawing. - Fixed some minor bugs. *** Release Notes for Malom 1.0.1 *** /2016. February 8./ Now it is possible to run the program on computers with CPUs that don’t support SSE4 (POPCNT). Fixed some minor bugs.