Assignments for grading
This is an list of homework assignments for grading. The deadline is February 28th. The
minimal requirement to pass the course is the preparation of
at least 2 working solutions. To get a 'good' or 'excellent'
grade, you need 3, resp. 4 working programs from below.
It is also possible to bring your own problem to work on. This
might be related to a math/cs course at your university, your
thesis work etc. In this case, I will ask you to consult me
so that I can make the problem into a valid homework assignment. To send me the solutions / ask questions, my address is:
"".join(["bfhieelu.un.@tpe"[7*j % 16] for j in range(16)])
Various programming using
some SageMath fetures
Write a function that has a list
with four (not necessarily distinct) integers and a 5th number, called the goal as
input. The function should determine whether it is possible to
get the goal as a result of a calculation involving all 4
numbers in the list, parenthesis and operations +, -, *, /. The
order in the list is irrelevant. For example, from the list
[3, 3, 5, 5], you get 34 e.g. by (3*3) + (5*5). In contrast, from the list
[1, 2, 3, 4] you can not get 1000. Another test case is [3, 3,
8, 8] and 24, here the answer is yes (a good exercise to find it
by hand).
Write a function that determines
whether a position in a game of chomp of size 6x6 is a winning
position or not. Don't hesitate to look up the game of chomp and how wining and
losing positions can be identified in a finite game.
We play the following: initially there are up to 30 15 [problem updated due to unintended level of difficulty] integers written
on the blackboard. In each step, we select two numbers, erase
them both and write the absolute value of their difference
back on the board. The game finishes when there is only one
number left on the board. Determine all numbers that can be the
output of the game for a given initial list.
A string of length n consisting entirely of 0s and 1s is called prefix
normal if for each number k with 1≤ k ≤ n,
the prefix of length k contains at least as many 1s as
any other contiguous substring of length k. (A non-empty prefix
of a string is a substring that contains the starting
character.) Write a function that checks prefix-normality of
strings, and counts the number of prefix normal strings of
length n up to 23.
Let n be a positive integer parameter, and p be
a real number from the open interval (0, 1). Create a simple
undirected graph on n vertices, and for each pair of
vertices, create an edge between the pair with probabilty
p (make the choice for edges independently and
randomly). You obtain a random graph. Determine the number of
components, the size of the largest component and the largest
eigenvalue of the graph's adjacency matrix. Repeat the
experiment with the same parameters and make a histogram of
the calculated values (how often does the maximal component's
size fall in this and this interval etc.). Also play with
parameter p for fixed n, and plot how the
calculated properties of the graph (take an average of several
experiments for each p) change as a function of
Let n be a fixed positive integer in the interval [5,
20]. Create an n-by-n matrix with elements
chosen independently randomly from the same probability
distribution. Calculate the determinant and the largest absolute value
among the eigenvalues. Make 1000 experiments and make a plot
of the observed empirical distribution of the two
quantities. Repeat the experiment for the uniform distribution
in [0, 1], the uniform distribution in [-1, 1], a normal
distribution and 2 others. Find statistical methods for
comparing the distribution of the determinant for the uniform
and the normal distribution.
Given a positive integer n, SageMath can calculate the
number of positive divisors of n easily from the prime
factorization of n (there is a function for
that). Finding a number n that has exactly a prescribed
number t of divisors is not so difficult either: e.g.
2t-1 has t divisors. Finding the
smallest positive integer n with exactly t
divisors can be tricky, and probably does not have a very nice
mathematical characterization in general (it does for prime
t and some other special values). Write a Sage program
that finds the minimal such n. A few test cases: 16 is
the smallest number with 5 divisors, 60 is the smallest with
12 divisors and neither 231 nor 2*3*5*7*11 are
smallest with exactly 32 divisors. The program should work for
values of t up to 1000.
The chinese remainder theorem states that the set of congruences
a1 x ≡ b1 (mod
a2 x ≡ b2 (mod
an x ≡ bn (mod mn)
always has a simultaneous solution in the integers whenever
the moduli are pairwise relatively prime and the
ai are all 1, moreover the
solutions form exactly one residue class modulo the product of
the mi. Write a function that takes a system of
arbitrary congruences (maybe without the relative primality
conditions) and checks whether the system has solutions or
not and gives the solutions if they exist as a residue class
modulo some integer. Hint: check compatibility of congruences
by taking the gcd of moduli: e.g. if we know x ≡ 3 (mod
6) and x ≡ 4 (mod 10), then by looking at x modulo
the gcd of 6 and 10, i.e. 2, it would have to be both odd
and even, which is impossible.
Some plot-related
Buffon's needle problem models
the following experiment. We drop n needles of length
l onto a plane onto which infinitely many parallel lines are drawn at
distance d from each other. We assume that l
< d. We assume that the both the position where the
needle lands and the angle at which it points is
random. It is known that the probability of a needle hitting
some line is 2l/dπ.
Make a function that performs the experiment with the
specified parameters and calculates the observed frequency of
needles hitting a line. Also make a drawing with different
colors assigned to lucky and unlucky needles. Look up Buffon's
needle drop experiment for details.
Illustrate a 2-dimensional random walk by making a plot from
arrows displaying a path of length n, starting from the
origin and in each step moving left, right, up or down with
equal probability. Count the number of times you reached the
origin, list the positions furthest away from the origin, the
longest interval of time away from the origin, and 2 other
statistics you like. Make a plot of these values as you change n.
Let n be a positive integer up to 10. Imagine a unit sphere in 3
dimensions with n equal positive charges placed on the
surface of the sphere. The motion of the charges is
constrained: they cannot leave the surface of the square in
either direction. Simulate their movement if the forces
between them obey an inverse square law (and they repel each
other). Prepare an animation
or an interactive 3D plot of the motion using SageMath's
functionality for numerically solving differential
equations. Plot the position of the charges they settle in (if
they do).